
Tuesday, 11 February 2014

1984 Cars Part One: Wheeljack, Hound, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker.

Can't think of enough pics or words to go for each car on their own, so I'll do them in groups. The first four I just relabeled today.

Wheeljack is my favorite of the 84 cars. The racing deco and the Lancia alt mode are great, and the roof chest/hood feet design is probably my favorite transformation scheme for any car Transformer.

Hound is a great mold. The arms are a little stubby, but between the vehicle mode and the overall sculpt, he makes up for it. I think he's the first Transformer to feature an automorph, with the head and arms. He was one of the last cars I found. Mainly because I refused to buy him incomplete. The gas can and spare tire are a pain to find, never mind expensive lol. I think I paid less for the entire complete figure than I would have for those two parts.

Sideswipe was a real fixer-upper. He's still not perfect, but he's better than he was. I will probably replace him later. The Lambo alt mode is pretty good looking. One of he pegs on his hood is broken, and the chrome is worn.

Sunstreaker was a pain to track down in decent shape. My first one was trashed, the second one was bare bones, but in decent shape, still a few chips, but I'm happy with him, only had to replace the black bottom stickers, the rest were still in good shape.


  1. I always wanted a hound...and yes Sunstreaker is a hard one to find in great shape.

    1. I went through two of them. this one's still a little chipped, but not bad

  2. Sunstreaker's tough since he - like Wheeljack - hasn't been re-released, I think because Hasbro lost the original molds or they were destroyed. My Wheeljack has been missing one of his spoiler halves ever since I got him more than 10 years ago, and I keep meaning to buy one...
    Anyway, one my favorite quirks on the Sunstreaker toy are the red decals on his shoulders. They actually should be yellow, since the red was a carryover from the Diaclone version, where the entire car was red. But it breaks up the color scheme on a figure that's almost entirely yellow.

    1. yeah, i would like to have a set of yellow reprolabels just to see how it would look with them, but I didn't replace those stickers on mine, so it would kind of be pointless

  3. I do love Hound. I'm fairly sure (it was a long time ago!) that he was my first ever Transformer back when I was around 5. I always remember him being quite fiddly and delicate though. Maybe that was just in the hands of a clumsy 5 year old!

    I may have to add him to my 'want' list :D

    1. spaced on these comments lol. Sorry about that. Hound's transformation is pretty fiddly, especially the automorphh head and arms, they don't like to work as they're supposed to, and the mirrors are quite fragile too.

  4. Oh WOW! luv the collection, I have a lot of my G1's still from when I was a kid,too bad certain weapons etc went missing from moving to different homes through the years.

    1. Thanks, there are a few places to get the weapons on the cheap, if you need any help, let me know


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